Foto: Jenna Sutela: I Magma (2019). Bildecourtesy Moderna Museet, Stockholm / Prallan Allsten
Kunsthall Trondheim would like to invite families to an exciting and child-friendly tour of the exhibitions Jenna Sutela-NO NO NSE NOSE and Geocinema-Making of Earths.
This tour is perfect for children who are curious about outer space! The exhibitions revolve around head-shaped lava lamps, Martian language, artificial intelligence, and satellites in space.
We’ll do a tour of the most relevant artworks, before rounding it up with a book reading featuring "Løveungen og Frøken Kanin - Eventyr i verdensrommet" by Tor Åge Bringsverd and Anne Holt, in which we meet the characters Karsten and Petra as they embark on new adventures.
After the book reading, the children and their parents or guardians can participate in our drawing competition with the theme of drawing your own head as a lava lamp.
Trondheim Kunsthall also offers illustration charts for parents or guardians as an aid to discuss the art and the exhibition with the children.
This event is free, but please register in advance via Hoopla.
In collaboration with the event Sommer i Byen by Midtbyen.