Foto: Dag Arve Forbergskog
Ticket: 100,- (covers entrance at Kunsthall Trondheim)
Deadline for registration: Wednesday, November 2,
The seminar «Artistic Courage in a Time of Immediacy» will be held at Kunsthall Trondheim this coming Thursday, in conjunction with The Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2016. Over the past few years there has been a renewed interest in the political aspects of art: artists using their political and social commitment as the basis for their artistic production. It is within this framework that Hannah Ryggen has gained renewed interest.
9.30am Coffee and breakfast
10am Artistic Courage in a Time of Immediacy/
Introduction, Åshild Adsen, Museum Director NKIM
10.30am this is a political (painting)/
Helena Holmberg, Director Kunsthall Trondheim
11amHannah Ryggen og den politiske veven/
Marit Paasche, Writer, curator and art critic
12pm Break
1pm Synsmaskinen, an inquiry into 7 fields of contemporary
political crisis/
Åse Løvgren, co-research leader, KHiB, Bergen Academy of Art and Design
2pm Art as Activism/
Michelle Teran, associate professor, KIT, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art
3pm Discussion/
Marit Paasche, Michelle Teran and Åse Løvgren in conversation with
Eline Bjerkan, ArtScene Trondheim.
The Hannah Ryggen Triennale 2016 is a collaboration between Ørland and Bjugn Kunstforening and Nordenfjelske Kunstindustrimuseum. The seminar is presented in collaboration with Kunsthall Trondheim.
The seminar will be held in Norwegian and English, and is open to all.