Elin Már Øyen Vister i samarbeid med Heiða Karine Jóhannesdóttir Mobeck, og Camilla Wexels Riser (visuell dramaturg), med flere: "Plantesanger – sjædtoej laavloeh" (2022), detalj, flerkanals lydinstallasjon, feltopptak, musikalske komposisjoner og tekster, tekstiler, trestrukturer, organisk plantemateriale, typografi. Variable størrelser. Courtesy Elin Már Øyen Vister. Foto: Daniel Vincent Hansen
Bring your family of choice join the concert at Kunsthall Trondheim on Sunday 5 March at 3 pm!
This Sunday we invite you to the premiere and live performance of the sound work Plantesanger - Sjædtoej laavloeh [Plant Songs] (2022) which is part of the exhibition Kunna Guanna Concha.
Step into the sensoric and immersive installation of Plantsongs and experience a live concert of the sound work and music in the work performed by Elin Már Øyen Vister, Heiða Karine Jóhannesdóttir Mobeck, Natali Abrahamsen Garner, Lars Ove Fossheim and Håvard Aufles
Plantesanger - sjædtoej laavloeh [Plant Songs] (2020) pays tribute to the healing properties of a number of plants and herbs, and the knowledge of these as medicinal plants that have survived through generations in the north. The artists have created a sensory and auditory space with soft textiles, tree trunks and dried herbs that are connected through soundscapes and music, which point to an alternative narrative about human's relationship with nature. In Plantsongs are regarded as animated beings and teachers.
The sound work Plantesanger – sjædtoej laavloeh [Plant Songs] (2002) is composed by Elin Már Øyen Vister, Heiða Karine Jóhannesdóttir Mobeck, Natali Abrahamsen Garner, Risten Anine Gaup, Erik Lukashaugen, Lars Ove Fossheim, Håvard Aufles og Martin Langlie. The work is initiated by Elin Már Øyen Vister.
The concert is a part of the public program for Kunna Guanna Concha at Kunsthall Trondheim. The public program is curated by Sissel M. Bergh, Carolina Caycedo and Elin Már Øyen Vister in collaboration with Kunsthall Trondheim’s Program Curator Carl Martin Rosenkilde Faurby.
The concert is supported by Trondheim municipality, Jazzforum, the Fritt Ord Foundation.