Photographer Anne Valeur’s portrait of artist Anna Daniell
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Kulturnatt (Culture Night) at Kunsthall Trondheim – one of the greatest nights of the year! On the night, visitors can join our tour of two new and exciting exhibitions, enjoy great company and a fascinating talk by Pablo DeSoto – an award winning, experimental architect, as well as an artist, cartographer, research fellow and educator – and this year’s Artist in Residence, NTNU ARTEC.
17:00-18:00 Tour of the exhibitions CONFERENCE by Anna Daniell and Wonderland by Pia Arke. The tour will be conducted by Kunsthall Trondheim’s acting director, Carl Martin Faurby. 18:30-20:00 Talk: Pablo DeSoto: «Resist as Forest: Cartography, Tech, and the Arts for New Forms of Planetary Caring» 20:00-23:00 The exhibitions will be open, and a bar will be available for refreshments
Everybody is welcome; big, small, young and old! Free entry.