Foto: Aage A. Mikalsen / Kunsthall Trondheim.
Welcome to guided tour in Lotte Konow Lund’s exhibition What Fades in the Sun.
This year’s summer exhibition at Kunsthall Trondheim presents drawings and sculptures by Norwegian artist Lotte Konow Lund. In her work, she confronts us with the stories of today’s collective experiences, what we can also call the political, and connects those stories with undercurrents, fragments and close-ups from the everyday that forms those experiences on a personal and individual level.
Lotte Konow Lund (b. 1967) lives and works in Oslo, Norway. She studied fine art at the Oslo National Academy of Arts, where she currently is Professor at the Art and Crafts Department. Konow Lund founded and ran Galleri GI and has completed several extensive curator assignments. She is also known for her series of Artist Portraits in the weekly newspaper Morgenbladet in recent years. Working in a range of media, from drawing to video-performance, sculpture and text, she is investigating questions related to identity, gender, the artist’s role in society as well as power structures.