Design: Mateusz Pitala
Kunsthall Trondheim is a member of Kunsthallene i Norge (Kunsthalles in Norway). The purpose of the association is to safeguard the interests of Norwegian kunsthalles, and to disseminate knowledge about art and the place of art in society nationally and internationally.
Ethical charter
Kunsthallene i Norge (Kunsthalles in Norway) carry out their societal mission for a wide range of artists and audiences. The kunsthalles organize artistic and cultural programs to create, produce and circulate contemporary visual art. The member organization Kunsthallene i Norge has developed this document with ethical guidelines in line with the common values among the members, which aims to promote the dissemination of good professional practice within the network. The members of Kunsthallene i Norge undertake to respect this general framework.
1. Artists are the core of the operations of all member organizations. The kunsthalles offer professional assistance for artists to achieve their artistic, intellectual, technical, administrative and economic goals. This involves remuneration for work performed by artists in the member organizations. The member organizations are obliged to comply with the Vederlagsavtalen (Norwegian remuneration agreement) and/or the laws that apply to their respective organizations. The Kunsthallene i Norge network supports other organizations who work towards better working conditions for artists and more sustainable operational funding for the member institutions.
2. Members in Kunsthallene i Norge undertake to implement this ethical charter in all their contracts and agreements, and to make all their staff members as well as collaborators aware that their operations are based in the common ethical values of the Kunsthallene i Norge network. Member organizations are committed to value and recognize the uniqueness of the various professions in the field and to support their professional skills and experiences.
3. Kunsthallene i Norge members are at the forefront of mediation of art and culture and are places where cultural expressions are put forward. The kunsthalles recognize the public as groups of individuals with their own experiences and knowledge, who encounter art on an independent basis.
4. The Kunsthallene i Norge network works actively to ensure that their members represent the diversity in society in both their structure and their programming.
5. Kunsthallene i Norge members are aware of the challenges of overconsumption and pollution. As part of their goals for sustainable development, the members strive to reduce their negative environmental impact as much as possible. The kunsthalles are part of an ecosystem and therefore aim to preserve both human and more-than-human values.
6. Kunsthallene i Norge is a network of mutual support and advice with the objectives of collaboration and knowledge sharing.