From the left: Margarida Mendes, photo: private. Stefanie Hessler, photo: Brittany Nelson.
15 October 2020, 18.30–20.00 CET
In this online conversation, curator and researcher, Margarida Mendes, and director of Kunsthall Trondheim, Stefanie Hessler, discuss the politics and aesthetics surrounding and produced by extractivism as well as sound as a tool for sensing and resistance, with guests and the public.
The event is free but requires prior registration.
The event is a collaboration between the NTNU ARTEC Seminar Series and Kunsthall Trondheim. Introduction by Sara Brinch and Hanna Musiol.
Margarida Mendes’s research explores the overlap between infrastructure, ecology and experimental film, investigating environmental transformations and their impact on societal structures and cultural production. She was part of the curatorial team of the 11th Gwangju Biennale (2016), 4th Istanbul Design Biennial (2018), and the forthcoming 11th Liverpool Biennial (2021). In 2019 she launched the exhibition series Plant Revolution! that questions the interspecies encounter while exploring different narratives of technological mediation, and in 2016 she curated Matter Fictions, publishing a joint reader with Sternberg Press. She is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Research Architecture, Visual Cultures Department, Goldsmiths University of London.
Stefanie Hessler is a curator and writer, and the director of Kunsthall Trondheim. Her work focuses ecologies, technology and expanded definitions of life and non-life from an intersectional feminist perspective. Her monographic book Prospecting Ocean was published by MIT Press in 2019. She has curated amongst others for Gropius Bau Berlin, São Paulo Biennale and TBA21–Academy. She currently conducts transdisciplinary research with The Seed Box, culminating in an exhibition, publication and conference at Kunsthall Trondheim. Hessler is visiting research scholar at Westminster University in London and curator of the 17th MOMENTA Biennale in Montreal, 2021.