Ming Wong: Bloody Marys – Song of the South Seas (2018). Mikset media installasjon, enkanals video. Courtesy kunstneren
WELCOME TO THE OPENING of the group exhibition A beast, a god, and a line at Kunsthall Trondheim, Saturday November 30, kl.15.30–18.00.
Bring your kids and come to the opening!
Christmas workshop for children with mediator Thea Kiær during the whole opening
Kl. 15.30 /// Doors open. Serving of mulled wine (gløgg) with or without alcohol
Kl. 16.00 /// Welcome by Stefanie Hessler, director Kunsthall Trondheim
Kl. 16.05 /// Speech by Cosmin Costinas, curator of the exhibition and executive director / curator, Para Site Hong Kong
Kl. 16.20 /// Serving of Christmas porridge
Kl. 17.00 /// Guided tour with Carl Martin Faurby, program curator Kunsthall Trondheim
Kl. 20.00–23.30 /// Vernissage party at Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst (TSSK) in collaboration with Trondheim Kunstmuseum og TSSK. Party with bar and DJ Kitty Hertling.
Exhibition period: November 30 – February 16, 2020
About the exhibition:
Kunsthall Trondheim is proud to present the travelling exhibition A beast, a god, and a line. With its central anchor in an area commonly referred to as Asia-Pacific, the works on view bridge geographies and timeframes. Ancient and contemporary travel routes, personal biographies, political and environmental violence, and a revisiting of historiographies are but a few of the threads transcending the show. Textiles are a recurring theme and form that weave these diverse layers of history and cultural perspectives together.
The exhibition was previously shown at the Dhaka Art Summit in Dhaka, Bangladesh; Para Site in Hong Kong, China; TS1 in Yangon, Myanmar; and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland. We are thrilled that our audiences now have the opportunity to experience it at Kunsthall Trondheim.
Thanks to the curator Cosmin Costinas and his team at Para Site, especially Fanny Chan. Thanks are due to Szymon Żydek, curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, who shared invaluable information. Thank you also to Helena Holmberg, former director of Kunsthall Trondheim who initiated the dialogue to bring the exhibition here, and to all the exhibiting artists and lenders.