Fotomontasje : Aurélie Chauleur /Nazaré Soares
På årets mørkeste dag, 21. desember, inviterer kunstnerplattformen Inivisibledrum til en todelt vintersolvervseremoni i Trondheim, som innledes kl.14.30 med en bålseremoni i Korsvika på Lade. Seremonien forsetter kl. 19.30 på Pirbadet i et oppvarmet helsebasseng.
Her inviteres du til å bli med når instruktør Marina Sans leder den performative vannworkshopen Liquid Cosmos hvor kropp og vann forenes gjennom bevegelse. Vannworkshopen akkompagneres av Invisiblesdrums rituelle lydperformance Beehive Cluster.
Praktisk informasjon:
Det er kun plass til 20 personer så vær rask og kjøp din billett her!
Billettene koster 350,- og inkluderer inngang i Pirbadet.
Kl. 14.30 Korsvika
Bålseremoni ved Invisibledrum
Klikk her for å finne frem.
Kl. 19.00–22.00 Pirbadet
Vannworkshop Liquid Cosmos + rituelle lydperformance Beehive Cluster ved Marina Sans & Invisibledrum
Husk å ta med:
Neseklype (kan kjøpes for 80,- på workshopen)
Invisibledrum skriver:
How to access the memory held in our bodies?How do we listen to Water and the liquids running in our bodies, in the veins, in the fascia, the connective tissue fluids,the oceans, the seas, the rivers running on Earth? Between the skin and stone, the breath and the sound, the ice and the sun, the mist and the mountain, the cells and the touch, there is a constant, circular whirling, pendular oscillation. Some refer to ‘borderland travelers’ as those who walk in between liminalities, between the everchanging realm of the spirits and the
unpredictable flow of life
The gathering is happening within the framework of Kunsthall Trondheim’s interdisciplinary focus on bringing artistic perspectives to criticize understandings of nature, gender, sexuality, and race.
Invisibledrum is honored to invite Marina Sans to guide us into a cellular dance workshop in water. Liquid Cosmos is a somatic practice for aquatic bodywork that explores the interconnectedness of the element Water through body awareness and watery embodiment. Invisibledrum will create the ritual and sound performance Beehive Cluster specially for this occasion. The event will take place at Pirbadet in Trondheim. Earlier in the day we will hold space for a fire circle gathering and water offering at Korsvika Beach, everyone is welcome!
The concept of ‘bodies of waters’ refers to the idea that human and non-human bodies are entangled in the movements of Water that create and sustain life in our ecosystems, on micro and macro levels. The movements and rhythms of our bodies take part in wider planetary and cosmic movements too, and they are affected by them. Acknowledging Water as a living organism and a sentient being allows us to explore methodologies for reconnecting with our bodies as cosmic memory, and to the healing force of Water. By bringing our focus to Water, body, memory and temperature we may give birth to new conscious relationships with Body, Earth and Cosmos.
The Winter Solstice in the Nordic hemisphere is the darkest time of the year, when the sun is still for four days at the farthest distance from the Earth. Coming together immersed in the cellular cosmic dance we join in communion the deep waters. We gather to celebrate this rite of passage preparing for the stillness of the winter and welcoming the first sun of the cosmic wheel.
Invisibledrum investigates contemporary and interdisciplinary creative approaches to bodies and water that challenge the binaries between the terms ́natural´ or ́cultural´ by asking these questions: how does water transcend the individuality of our bodies? How can water bring balance to mind-body experience? On a collective, planetary level, how can we honor the relationship with water in a more intimate, profound way?
Special thanks to Kunsthall Trondheim and Pirbadet.
Marina Sans
After learning and practicing Watsu, Aguahara and Butoh Dance, among other aspects of aquatic therapies, Marina created what she calls Liquid Cosmos (Somatic Education for Aquatic Bodywork). She is a deep connoisseur of the human body and her research on anatomy is an ongoing movement. She is fascinated by discovering the other and creating an awareness of touch.Before dedicating herself 100% to somatics in water, her work involved making documentaries in the fields of anthropology and sociology.
Nazaré Soares is co-founder of Invisibledrum, she is also a board member and the art curator for Tribute Earth, an NGO that provides access to ancestral wisdom and regenerative biocultural projects. She works around notions of neo-pharmacopoeias, invisibility, imperceptibility, and magic engineering. Her practice interweaves, psychoacoustic and cinematic spaces, speculative design and performance arts, producing spaces for ritual, and incubation means. Recently she is deepening her work in Water through quantic activism, the world of hydrotherapy & aquatic bodywork practices, integrating them into artistic expression. Her work has been exhibited at numerous art venues and festivals worldwide. She was granted a MAF from NTNU in 2017. She graduated from Brighton University in Moving Image Arts in 2014.
Amalia Fonfara is co-founder of Invisibledrum. She works as a visual artist and shamanic practitioner based in Trondheim. She has several years of training and education in fine art, therapeutic healing, and shamanic healing work. . Based on performance and new media her artistic work embarks on an ontological investigation of the crossings of inner and outer landscapes through introspection of animism and contemplative healing practices, where the essences of soul and materiality are entangled in a holistic comprehension of life. Her work is often socially engaged in local environments focusing on body, memory, architecture, and landscape.
Francis Sosta is the project manager and assistant curator at Invisibledrum. She’s a multimedia artist and inter-dependent curator based in Berlin. She works with sound, performance and audiovisual installation. Her artistic research reclaims spaces for critical reflection, alternative knowledge-sharing and healing in society. She creates and tenderly holds non-hierarchical environments for communal learning. Through Cultural studies, Media, Gender and Post-Colonial theories, Francis investigates the entanglements and interconnectedness of art-making, social life and ecology through embodiment, listening practice and intergenerational work. She continues her studies in spiritual techniques such as Evolutionary Astrology and Akashic Records. She’s currently a trainee of a holistic doula.
Francis has exhibited her works internationally. She holds a BA in Art History, and a MA in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts.
Ansvarlig arrangør er Invisibledrum.
Arrangementet er støttet av Trondheim Kommune, Norske Billedkunstnere, SpareBank 1.