Susanne M. Winterling. Foto: Sarah Reva Mohr. Pandora's Box: Archival Books.
Bli med på boklanseringen av Susanne M. Winterlings nye bok Pandora's box fredag 13. mai kl. 17.00. Gratis inngang, selvsagt.
Pandora's box er en manual og skissebok om samtalens kunst. Det vil være mulig å bestille boken under lanseringen.
Kunsthall Trondheim inviterer til en unik mottakelse av samtalene fra boken der Susanne M. Winterling og Black feminist og aktivist Pakama Ngceni dykker ned i Pandora’s Box. Som et annet eksempel på samtalens kunst vil en forhåndsinnspilt introduksjon av Anupam Roy, en annen av samtalepartnerne fra boken , vises under boklanseringen. Modereres av programkurator Mette Woller.
Samtalen finner sted på engelsk.
Arrangementet skjer forbindelse med Winterlings kommende soloutstilling A threshold-game of proximity, cluster and heat på Kunsthall Trondheim, som åpner 8. september 2022.
Arrangementet er støttet av Kulturrådet.
The book Pandora’s Box explores the form of conversation as a method of aesthetic solidarity and empowerment. As an online platform, it collects and archives talks, stories, discourses and struggles to re-value and constantly reboot practices of solidarity.
The Pandora project is a collective artifact which started a long time ago and manifested in 2016, when a group of artists, poets and cultural producers began to talk to each other from different angles and unusual positions. These talks expanded each time the artists met, as they were bringing in new friends, their greatest opponents, and their demonic persecutors. The talks became a long series of dialogues, which were later collected on the soft fibers of a papyrus roll - collected in the book Pandora’s Box.
As the dialogues continued it became clear for all involved that they were transforming their mutual discourses, as well as the necessity to put some conversations behind them. With the flow of the roll they were actually creating an artifact – a Pandora Box.
The book is published by Archive Books, and edited by Susanne M. Winterling and Antonia Lotz.
Texts by:Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Biljana Ciric, Laleta Davis-Mattis, Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, Eddie Esmail, Silvia Federici, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Unni M. Fjellheim, Chris Kraus, Suzana Milevska, Pakama Ngceni, Iris Orizar, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Anupam Roy
Order the book here.
About Susanne M. Winterling:
Susanne M. Winterling’s artistic research into ecology, epistemology and science on the particular theme of bioluminescence developed by now into the larger scientific and artistic research network Planetary sensing, which amongst other things aims to set up an infrastructure for a research and education lab where humans and non-humans work together and support each other.
This and other research reflect within Winterling’s project Pandora’s Box a platform and archive of investigations, stories and interviews around aesthetic solidarity and empowerment.
About Pakama Ngceni
Pakama Ngceni is a Pan-Africanist, a Black feminist activist, and a writer from Johannesburg living in Hamburg. The conversation in Pandora’s Box has been triggered through an analysis of the movement Blackwash. Founded in 2008 it has been strongly based on Black female consciousness and community organization from a small group of Black women. It has been gradually marginalized through the masculinization of the movement, as Ncebakazi Manzi describes it in her MA thesis from 2019.
About Anupam Roy
Anupam’s practice reflects his experiences and observations in the hinterlands of rural Bengal where he was born in 1985, the urban landscapes of metropolitan Delhi where he currently lives and works, as well as in Central and North Eastern India where he has engaged in regional political inquiry and activism. Roy studied contemporary art at Ambedkar University, Delhi. His works have been exhibited at several exhibitions including the 2018 Triennial: Songs for Sabotage, New Museum, New York, and he is the recipient of the 2018 FICA Emerging Artist Award.
Roy has a parallel practice as a designer of political posters, signage, and graffiti. He has conducted numerous workshops on the design and conception of political posters with radical political and activist groups all over India.
Public program taking place at Kunsthall Trondheim is curated by Mette Woller, Promgram Curator.